Pharma Milling Equipment | Material Handling Equipment | Conical Sieve Mill In India

Success Stories

Let’s Walk Through The Success Way

Quadro’s ‘Local for Local’
Solution for Indian Pharma

India: A Pharmaceutical Hub

India is one of the world’s major pharmaceutical manufacturing hubs with most major pharma companies having their facilities in India. India has emerged as a major exporter of pharmaceutical products especially in generics due to cost advantage of manufacturing in India and lucrative government policies. This pharma industry is set to grow to USD 55 billion by 2020 with many companies adding new facilities or carrying out expansion in existing facilities to meet the rising domestic and export demand.

Understanding Customer Requirements & Pain Points

Recently a major pharmaceutical company in formulations was going for expansion to add new lines in their existing facility. For this expansion project, the customer was looking to buy process equipments including a Conical Mill for milling operation in granulation stage of production. The customer was previously using Multi-mill in existing lines from local players but was not happy with its performance in terms of reproducibility, particle size distribution & output. They were in the stage of evaluating various options to buy Co-mill for milling from foreign as well as local players & wanted to solve the issues they were facing with using Multi-mill. During this stage Quadro showed them its latest L4 Co-mill developed in India at its manufacturing facility in Vadodara. This machine was developed especially after taking the customer input over the years of serving Indian market locally.

Why Quadro was the solution for Customer

The customer was aware about Quadro being pioneers in conical milling technology & was assured about the brand reputation & reliability as they had machines from Quadro in their other facilities in R&D. This machine will be able to achieve 800kg/hr. capacity of output with screen size of 1.5mm which was customer requirement. The Comil was also able to integrate seamlessly with the upstream & downstream equipments for milling at the granulation stage & also offered customization of tooling as per customer’s requirement. The machine will also achieve uniform particle size distribution & good reproducibility of output which will solve the problems they were facing in Multi-mills they are using currently. As a result, Quadro’s L4 Comil was able to meet these customer expectations at affordable cost. Due to this the customer directly bought the machine from Quadro without any trial machine due to the trust in the brand and quality assurance. Quadro today, is one of the few premium segment players who are going direct to the customer. This assures the customer about quality of service in future while using & will be able to contact its team directly in case of any technical queries or if they are facing any issue. For over four decades Quadro’s Comil is world’s leading conical milling/screen milling technology for uniform particle size in distribution & deagglomeration dispersions for pharmaceutical, chemical & food industries. To know more about Quadro’s equipments for your requirement please click here or contact on below numbers.

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