Ball Valve
- Maximum reliability: Weak spot ball to stem is avoided by one-piece ball/stem unit
- Universally applicable: many options are available in combination with a thick-walled PFA lining
- Reliable even in extreme conditions: ENVIPACK stuffing box sealing
- Maintenance-free & adjustable stem sealing

- Design: ASME/ISO/DIN
- Sizes: ½” to 8” (DN15 to DN200)
- Pressure Rating: ASME150 / 16 bar
- Temperature Range – -60 °C to +180 °C (-80 °F to +360 °F)
- Lining: PFA / Conductive PFA (3.5 mm min)
- Housing Material: EN-JS 1049
- Face-to-Face: ANSI B16.10, DIN EN 558-1, ISO 5752 series 1
- Flanges to ISO 7005-2, type B or flanges drilled to ASME B16.5 class 150, raised face
- V-Port ball design available for control applications
- Process & Dry Air
- Caustic Soda
- H2SO4
- Caustic Soda
- Brine
- Thinyl Chloride + Tetra-n-butylammonium chloride